7 Simple Tips for Wearing Invisalign

You’re probably wondering whether Invisalign has the same food restrictions as braces. The clear, removable aligners don’t restrict your diet, but there are still a few tips to follow when eating and drinking with Invisalign. This blog post will talk about these seven simple rules for using Invisalign to straighten your teeth. Give Invisalign the

Root Canal Therapy to Save Your Tooth

If you have a cavity or tooth infection, a root canal procedure is typically the most efficient treatment. We’ll restore your natural tooth in one quick step. Our doctor is an expert at root canal treatment in our pleasant East El Paso, TX dental practice. A root canal procedure is often the most cost-effective and

Dental Bonding: What You Need to Know

Being naturally strong and durable, you’re teeth should help you chew for the rest of your life. The enamel on your teeth is the strongest part of your body. Breaking or chipping teeth, however, can happen easier than you think without any severe trauma. You can chip a front tooth on a glass, break a tooth chewing

Composite Dental Fillings in El Paso

Tooth decay and cavities remain a huge oral health problem for many Americans today. When left untreated, tooth decay will lead to more serious dental health problems such as infections and failing teeth.  In order to treat a cavity, your dentist will have to remove the decayed portion of the tooth and then fill in the area